Deliveroo Kuwait Rider Support

Safety Change topic

I have symptoms of COVID-19, what should I do?

The most recent information about COVID-19 can be found here.

Symptoms of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) include:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

If you start to feel ill or test positive for COVID-19, follow all medical advice, do not log in and inform your agency partner.

Here are some guidelines to keep you safe on the road: 

Before you start your shift

  • Make sure that your Deliveroo kit is clean and neat. Plan ahead to make sure you can wash your kit as frequently as possible (for instance, do it on your day off)
  • Use wipes and hand sanitizer to clean your thermal bag (from inside and outside), box and motorcycle handles and clean them again frequently during your shift as well
  • Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly before you go online, and use your bottle of hand sanitizer so you can keep them clean. Please request for a bottle from your agency if you don’t have one

During your shift

  • Wash your hands with soap or hands sanitizer after every delivery, try to avoid touching your face, nose, eyes. You can use your sanitizer  to clean your before picking up the order
  • Maintain at least 1 meter distance from people, avoid handshakes, avoid gathering in big groups, regardless of whether you are on duty or during your break time
  • Always store food in your thermal bag to help minimise exposure and maintain food temperature
  • Seal your bag as soon as you’ve packed an order and keep it closed until you’ve reached the customer’s door. 
  • Always read the delivery notes in the app, as they may contain additional requirements to pick up from a restaurant or building, as well from customers
  • If the security from the building where the restaurant or customer is located stops you entering the premises, please cooperate and contact the rider chat immediately. Follow the rider chat agent instructions as we notify the restaurant or customer and help you resolve the situation.

Handing food to the customer:

  • If the customer note states that you should leave the food at a requested place (such as in front of the door, or reception), please do so and call the customer to notify him/her
  • To maintain the one meter distance from other people, knock the door or ring the bell when at the customer’s door, open the thermal bag, take a few steps back and let the customer take the food
  • In case of cash on delivery orders, please wear gloves, wash your hands or use hand sanitizers before touching bills and notes. Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after handling cash too

If you have flu symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, sense of weakness)

  • Stop working, log out of the app
  • Report this to your agency immediately
  • Request your agency for assistance to take a temperature check - this is very important

For medical enquiries and assistance, you can directly reach out to:

  • 151 - Ministry of Health Hotline
Contact us

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